Seven Years in the Making: Our Journey to Finding the Perfect RV

In the age of the internet, deciding to buy an RV feels like a huge deal. You see all these scary stories online, but then you see these awesome pictures on X (formerly Twitter) of shiny RV campsites and everyone having a great time. It’s pretty confusing. I’m the kind of person who overthinks everything. My wife and I have been on the lookout for an RV for the past seven years. Then COVID hit, throwing everything off track. Prices shot up, so did interest rates, and finding a place to park got tougher. Plus, we had a baby. What a wild couple of years!

Things have started to calm down a bit, and RV prices are beginning to level out, though they’re still pretty high. We’re back to looking for an RV again, but this time we want one with its own motor, not a trailer. Been there, done that. I love the idea of just parking and setting up camp quickly.

I know I just ranted about people using their cars for POTA, so yeah, I guess I’m being a bit hypocritical. I feel a bit silly wanting an RV that’s going to guzzle gas, but then I tell myself to take shorter trips and save in other ways. My main car is a hybrid, so I like to think that balances things out a bit. Though, honestly, it doesn’t make up for the RV’s gas usage. And don’t get me started on electric RVs; they’re way too expensive right now. So, we’re looking at Class C motorhomes as a good middle ground for our family and dogs.

Growing up, I saw my dad deal with all sorts of RVs, from trailers to motorhomes. Despite the problems, we had a lot of fun and made great memories traveling across America. Our country’s roads are pretty amazing, despite the occasional pothole. My dad once got a homemade motorhome in a trade for some housework. It ended up just sitting in our yard, but as a kid, I loved playing in it. It felt like my own secret base.

Now, it’s my turn to buy an RV. I recently walked away from a deal because of hidden water damage. It’s been stressful, but I know what to look for thanks to my time as a mechanic in the U.S. Army. I’m paying extra attention to the roof, water damage, and any engine or transmission issues.

So, I might be joining the RV owner ranks soon, or maybe not. After looking for seven years, we figure life’s not getting any longer, so why not go for it? Yes, it’s going to be expensive, but the memories we’ll make are sure to outweigh the cost.