At the Crossroads of CW: A Journey of Rediscovery and Commitment

I’m thrilled that our upcoming radio club (PRA) meetings are shining a spotlight on CW, especially now as my interest is rekindling. At this juncture in my life, I find myself at a crossroads—let’s call it a mid-life CW crisis, if you will. On one hand, I’m tempted to dive in, convinced that the rewards will justify the effort. Yet, on the other, I can’t shake off the memory of past attempts that didn’t pan out, leaving me to wonder if I should stick to the paths that already bring me joy.

I confess, I have a tendency to overthink and overanalyze—guilty as charged! The real challenge for me lies in making CW practice a routine as ingrained as my morning coffee ritual. It’s clear that a half-hearted approach won’t cut it; I need to fully commit. This means setting aside other modes to immerse myself wholly in CW, a method that has always worked best for me.

Observing other CW operators fills me with a mix of admiration and envy. Their ability to tackle significant challenges, like the daunting summits of Colorado, makes me want to up my game. But more than that, it’s the intense concentration and connection during a QSO that captivates me. To me, CW is the equivalent of fly fishing—a total immersion that allows you to escape the world, if only for a moment, to connect with someone on the other side of the globe.